Community Connecting Community
Our community offers a multitude of fantastic events, activities, groups, services and facilities for social connection.
By volunteering as a Community Connector, we share information about the social activities that are happening in our community and help connect people to their preferred social activity and to each other.
We aim to:
Help develop caring relationships where we can all become less lonely, less depressed, less anxious and become more open, more social, more connected, and healthier!
a common goal of creating more caring and compassionate communities through quality relationships
an online training workshop ‘Connect with Compassion’ for members of the community and Community Connectors
a platform to promote community social activities on the events calendar
Founders want
To help create more connected and caring relationships for the people within our community.

Maureen Sansom
Accredited Workshop Facilitator (William Glasser International)
About Maureen
Maureen Sansom has worked in the education sector for 30 years and has almost 20 years' experience working in a school for a specific purpose. While working for the NSW Department of Education she has worked in a supportive role with teachers and students.
Maureen began her journey to better understand mental distress and mental health in 2007 when she was introduced to a psychological framework developed by American Psychologist Dr William Glasser called Choice Theory. With ongoing training, she has developed a deep understanding of how and why we behave the way we do and the choices we all have to improve the quality of the relationships we have with the important people in our lives for better well-being.
Since then, she has had extensive experience facilitating mental health and wellbeing workshops in educational and community support centers.
Maureen is a passionate facilitator who offers a teaching style built on a genuine and authentic desire to help create connected and caring relationships with self and others.
She believes and promotes the scientific evidence that with caring relationships within families, educational settings, work environments, communities and the world in which we all live, we can become less lonely, less depressed, less anxious and become more open, more social, more caring and HEALTHIER!
Maureen welcomes the opportunity to work with others to offer tools and strategies required for connected and caring relationships.
What drives our decisions?
Community Connectors are people who volunteer to support a common goal of creating more caring and compassionate communities through social interactions and quality relationships.
They come together to spread and imbed care and compassion in as many areas of our community as possible.
By volunteering as a Community Connector, we share information about the social activities that are happening in our community and help connect people to their preferred social activity and to each other.
A Community Connector attends and participates in social activities and is passionate about developing quality relationships that include listening, accepting, supporting, trusting, encouraging, and respecting self and others.
You can phone on email info@communityconnectingcommunity.com to register your interest in becoming a Connector. It is beneficial to participate in the online training before becoming a Community Connector – The program gives us a basic knowledge of our common and shared humanity. To find out more information, please email us with your enquiry.

How much of our joy and suffering involves our relationship with others?
Neuroscience & Research
reveals how our brains are hardwired to respond to caring relationships with ourselves and others – it improves our physical and mental wellbeing
With connected / caring relationships
we can subdue negative emotions and behaviours to increase our courage and resilience to depression, anxiety, loneliness, addiction etc.
Community Area
Port Stephens NSW Australia